Frequently Asked Questions
Who is my Steward?
Find your Steward HERE.
How do I become a Steward?
Stewards are appointed by the Business Manager with confirmation by the Executive Board. Candidates for Steward should attend all membership meetings, have a good working relationship with coworkers and management in the workplace and express interest in becoming a Steward to the Business Manager.
When are membership meetings held?
Check the Calendar HERE.
“If you do not know what your rights are, how do you know if you are throwing them away?”
What are my employee rights to representation?
If you have a reasonable basis to believe that the interview involves allegations that “could” result in disciplinary action, you have the right to representation. As an employee, you must inform your employer and/or supervisor of your request for Union representation.The employer must grant the request, which may delay the interview, or deny the request and end the interview. If the employer violates what you believe is your right to representation, proceed with the interview upon being ordered. Seek advice from a Union representative prior to and/or immediately following your interview.
What are Weingarten rights?
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal law gives workers, including federal employees, the right to request union representation during investigatory interviews. The name of the court case was the National Labor Relations Board v. Weingarten. These rights are now known as “Weingarten rights.” The Federal Service Labor-Management Relations statute codified these rights in 5 USC Chapter 71at 7114(a)(2)(B) and required that the Agency annually notify the employees of these rights at 7114(a)(3).
I am planning to retire, who can I speak to about my LiUNA pension?
Appointments to discuss your LiUNA Industrial Pension Plan can be made by emailing Gina Sabitoni-Arakelian or by calling 331-8080.
Where does the PAC money go?
You may have signed the back of the Dues Deduction form upon becoming a Local 808 Union member which would authorize your employer to deduct the sum of two cents ($.02) per hour for each hour worked, up to thirty five (35) hours as a contribution to the Rhode Island Laborers' State Employees Political Action Committee. This is a separate aggregate fund used for the purposes allowed under the provisions of the Rhode Island law.
Your Executive Board reviews political donation requests each month and votes on approval or denial of said request(s). All political donations made by Local Union 808 come out of PAC monies, not out of dues monies.
How can I stop my voluntary PAC contribution?
Are you sure you want to do that? The disbursement of these funds in the form of political donations are used to fund campaigns for elected officials who are proponents of labor initiatives. We will always need elected officials to help with the fight against union busting. If you still wish to cancel your contribution, you can contact your Human Resources department and request to stop this deduction.
Where are Dues money spent?
We believe it is important for your union to be accountable to the members for the financial assets. Dues money is used to provide professional staff, equipment and support for the members. Union Dues are the only financial source of revenue for the local. Included in the dues are the International dues and District Council dues also known as per-capita tax. Local 808 dues are distributed as follows:
LiUNA (International)
The International provides a number of services and grants. There are a variety of training and conferences available throughout the year.
Rhode Island AFL-CIO and Providence Central Federated Labor Council
Local 808 is affiliated with the Rhode Island AFL-CIO and the Providence Central Federated Labor Council. These two organizations encompass all trade unions in the area and meet on a monthly basis to discuss issues that affect working families in their jurisdictions.
Rhode Island Laborers’ District Council
The Rhode Island Laborers’ District Council is charged with the responsibility to unify all of the economic and other forces of the affiliated Local Unions in its area. The members of this council are elected delegates from their local. Rhode Island has nine locals.
Local 808
The Local has control of its own treasury and the members decide through their Executive Board representatives how the dues are allocated. These funds pay for the Local operation and representation, benefits and services.
The International Dues are regulated by the LiUNA Conference Delegates who attend the International Convention every 5 years. The delegates may vote to increase dues on behalf of their members.
The dues (income) of the Local are the responsibility of the Secretary-Treasurer. A budget is developed annually and reviewed at least quarterly by the entire Executive Board. The Executive Board and the General Membership have the authority to approve and deny expenses. The budget may be revised throughout the year with the recommendation of the Secretary-Treasurer, the Executive Board and the membership. All expenditures require two (2) signatures: the signature of the Local President and the Secretary-Treasurer.