Our Proud History
The Rhode Island Judicial, Professional and Technical Employees’ Local Union 808, is affiliated with the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA), AFL-CIO.
Local Union 808 is a proud affiliate with over 10,000 public employee members throughout the State of Rhode Island. Local Union 808 is a member of the Rhode Island Laborers’ District Council.
Local Union 808 was founded on March 10, 1986 in Providence, Rhode Island under the leadership of former International Representative and Local Union 1033 Business Manager Joseph Virgilio. Local 808 began with just 250 members and utilized the staff of Local Union 1033. Since the beginning, Local 808 has built a reputation of effective representation, heavy political lobbying and is a very respected public employee local in Rhode Island. Local Union 808 represents over 1,400 working men and women members working throughout the State.
Local Union 808’s representative resources average over 25 years of comprehensive labor relations experience in Rhode Island. We represent employees in labor negotiations, all levels of disciplinary process, including administrative hearings, personnel boards and arbitrations. Local Union 808 believes in building strong Labor and Management relationships that promote positive employee relations
Our former leaders
Pasquale "Pat" Zompa was elected President of Local Union 808 in May 2003 and served in that capacity until 2013. He was a member of the original 808 Judicial organizing team back in 1985 and prior to his election as President was always a part of 808's leadership. He was employed by the RI Supreme Court at the Judicial Technology Center and was instrumental in implementing the first computerized 808 membership/grievance data base several years ago. From 1994 to 1998 he lobbied legislators and worked on getting Rhode Island's pension law amended to allow 808 State employees to contribute to a 2nd pension plan.
Senator Frank a. ciccone, iii. represents district 7.
Frank A. Ciccone, III. joined the Local in 1986, after working on Local Union 808’s organizing drive. He was appointed President in 1986 until 1992 when he was appointed Business Manager. Frank was elected Business Manager in 1993 where he served as the Chief Executive for the Local until 2014. He was also the President of the Rhode Island Laborers’ District Council. Frank has been the voice of union advocacy for decades and was elected State Senator in 2002. He currently serves on the Commerce Committee and is the Vice Chairperson for the Labor Committee.