Stewards listed by Agency

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Department of Administration

·Thomas DeFazio, Secretary- Treasurer
o    574-8584

Department of Human Services

Department of Motor Vehicles

AnnMarie Casimiro
o   462-5863 (office)

Department of Transportation

James Barden        
o   563-4059 (office)

Khoren Souvalian, Vice President  (2 Capital Hill, Providence)
o  640-9175 (cell)


 Kenneth Pomposelli, Auditor
o    374-4544 (cell)
o  459-0920 (office)

Emergency Management


Fire Marshal's Office

 Paul Manning
o  952-1868 (cell)
o  889-5477 (office)

Johnston School Department

·Lisa Annicelli, Auditor
o    230-2719

Cheryl Ricci, Auditor
o    258-6531

Johnston Town Hall

 Vincent P. Baccari, Jr., Executive Board
o    553-8830


Mike Castelli, Executive Board
o    413-2451

Carla Ciccone, President
o    275-6527 (office)

Melissa Duarte

Talia Haley
o    275-2777 (office)

Trenice Roberson

Jay Taylor
o    458-5009 (office)


Public Defender's Office

Sunshine Tillinghast
o    309-2445 (cell), 222-1681 (office) 


Steve Fiorentini 
o    784-9500, ext. 1185 (office)

RI State Police


Secretary of State's Office

Richard Hite
o    330-4809

Kristen Lynch
o    633-2127(cell), 347-2194(work) 

Town of Westerly, Town of Hopkinton & Town of Charlestown

Peter Alter
o 996-0996

Phillip Burdick
o 632-8875

Jace LaPlante, Field Representative
o    741-3025 (cell)
o 596-2022 (work)

Kevin Worsham
o 626-6376  

Westerly School Department & Bus Drivers

Karen Abruzzese, Field Representative
o    595-9461

Mark Doescher
o    316-9574

Brenda Wedlock
o    952-3361 


Zambarano Hospital

Kerri Hall, Recording Secretary
o    474-1989 (cell)

Reynolds Hull, Sergeant-At-Arms
o    226-1141

Lisa Young
o    692-1019